RS11 - Doja / Wizard Trees Breeder Clone

Imported from the USA – All clones have been hunted and rerun at least twice before listing. RS11 Type: Rooted Lineage: OZ Kush X Rainbow Sherbert Flowering Time: 65 Days Brand: Deo Farms (Wizard Treez Cut)

3 in stock


RS-11 (Rainbow Sherbert #11) is arguably one of the best new strains released within the last year. Bred by DEO Farms, hunted & selected by Wizard Trees/doja pak. RS-11 is quickly becoming a staple in the industry. A foundational strain which many many more new strains will be born out of… This was released to the public early April for 1000$ a cut and you had to dam near camp out to even get it.

Secure a rooted clone with Dank Street. Limited availability first come first serve!

Type: Rooted
Lineage: OZ Kush X Rainbow Sherbert
Flowering Time: 65 Days
Brand: Deo Farms (Wizard Treez Cut)

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